Thursday, August 28, 2008

5 Days in the Hole?

Last Friday I gathered my ten bags (ok just 2, and one was a plastic wal-mart bag) and portable file cabinet and exited my room; room! Room #6 in a century old school house in Havana. As I limped along I looked closely at my right hand, where I gripped tightly to something so dear and close to me, it had gotten me through my first week.........yes, my coffee mug. I neared the back exit, crawling prone across the old wooden floor like a wounded soldier searching for cover (ok, so I was walking with a slight limp I suppose) and heard a faint voice singing. The voice became louder and more clear. The tall figure with wavy gray hair approached singing "Five days in the hole" and then a bit of humming...........I realized this veteran teacher was making her own version of the hit "30 Days in the Hole" a 1972 hit by the English rock group Humble Pie. I just grinned and continued my long journey to the door. I thought to myself will I think of the weeks as "5 days in the hole" when I have as many years under my belt as her, a much respected teacher I must add. I was indeed exhausted, yet accomplished, I had enjoyed these 5 days tremendously......learning much more than I had taught......and I had taught so much!

Yesterday, I recalled the first week as I met with my pathwise mentor. After a bit of small talk, I looked her in the eyes and said "What happened to all the students who want to learn?" She looked down the slowly back up and said "I was afraid this would be troublesome for you." I guess my enthusiasm wreaked of vulnerability to letdown? She said many things had changed in schools. I agreed, stating that it had only been 13 years since I was in school, and could see few similarities. She said "Oh you are right, we have no leaders, students are afraid to be leaders now, apparently it's not cool to be smart" I smiled, having found this was indeed true, looked up and said "Well, as long as I can find just one student who wants to learn everyday then I'm happy."

In my second week I've laughed a little more, worried a little less, and had just as much fun! I hope all of you other MAT students are doing wonderful as well!

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